The Fare Pote'e is located at the entry of Maeva village,
driving from Fare town and the airport

Museum Hours :

After October 1, 2021:

Monday to Friday
8 am to 2 pm
Saturday and Sunday
8am to 12 pm
Closed on Holidays


Entrance fee 250f

Telephone 87 30 99 20


Huahine is 40 minutes by daily flights from Tahiti, and less than 4 hours weekly by sea. All variety of accomodations and facilities are available on the island, come so please come visit us!

Mailing address:  Opu Nui - P.O. box 128                                      98731  Fare - Huahine / French Polynesia

 web editor - OPU NUI / design - Jaabi / copyright © 2013-2016 FAREPOTEE MAEVA-HUAHINE - all rights reserved -